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New MPox strain reported in 4 states. Patients not fully vaccinated (2 doses in 2022 or later) or experiencing symptoms should Contact Us

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Pattie McKnight (She/Her)

Executive Director

I have been the Executive Director at HCAI since 2017, but my work in our mission dates back to 2011. At the time, I was in my 35th year with McDonald’s as an Owner/Operator. I began turning my attention to what I considered the best work the brand was doing – Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). My positions included Chairwomen of the PR committee, President of the New Haven RMHC Board of Directors, and Vice President of the RMHC local chapter. 

It was then that I met Dr. Blick, who was asking about a grant from RMHC Global for the children of Zimbabwe who were suffering from the AIDS epidemic. I fell in love with the people of Zimbabwe and Dr. Blick’s mission. I volunteered at every event until 2017 when Dr. Blick asked me to join his team - and I never looked back. 

I now have two beautiful granddaughters, Leah Louise and Aubrey Diane. I want them to grow up in a world without stigma and discrimination where they are loved and can love without filters.